Here we are racing through the year and racing towards the successful completion and achievement of those New Years resolutions – yes? You know, those ones you set on 1 January?
Sadly, weeks ago, many people by now would have given up. Not because they didn’t want to make those changes, rather, it just felt too hard. Change can be hard and often we try to make big changes in one step. Give yourself a break. If you are someone who has given up – again, on their goals then try this.
You can download a free simple self coaching tool that will help you identify where you want change.
Here are the 3 steps to change
- Download the tool and complete the checklist and / or wheel to identify where you most want to balance things up or change.
- Set yourself some small goals around those areas. Goals that you can measure and goals that feel positive and motivating for you to work on.
- Do a plan of action with timelines and deadlines. At the end of each day give yourself time to notice what you have done towards each goal. If nothing, then reflect on what got in the way and what you could do differently the next day. Take small steps each day.
Let me know how you go!
Click here to download the Free Self Coaching Tool now