I have two key strategies for this.
One is not to have a winter, avoid it completely, deny its existence on the planet – just go somewhere hot for 6 months, works a treat and it’s something I have done a number of times by living in Thailand, Florida and to an extent Australia. However, in NZ this is not so easy to achieve.
So my second strategy is the opposite – totally embrace winter. I embrace winter by taking it in at all levels . I plan plenty of indoor physical exercises I can do – yoga, meditation, using my cross trainer. I plan ways to enjoy the colder days and nights – have a fire (you need a fireplace for that though), read a book on those cold windy nights. I think it’s a myth about eating stodgy food in the winter to feel warmer so I plan as always really eat robust but healthy food. But the key part of the embrace strategy is getting out into it.
On really cold frosty mornings I get really present to the sights, sounds, smells, frosty breath, crunchy ground and the wonder of seeing a crisp clear dawn grow into a wintery sunny day. On those days of high winds, gales, sideways rain, I just love getting onto the beach and having it all tear at me, and watch the huge waves roll in and I am in awe of everything going on around me. Though I don’t recommend that beach stuff when there is cyclone, earthquakes or tsunami warnings!
Another great way to enjoy winter if you are inclined to a bit of bush walking and tramping is doing just that. There are so many DoC huts that are on reasonably easy tracks – walk for a few hours and stay overnight at a hut. So many huts have great wood burners, really cosy. Meet other likeminded people and enjoy the beauty of NZ bush in winter. Take time each day, whatever the weather to really notice – the sky, the colours, the trees and the constant change of all of this – get present to how you are feeling this in your body, and what you are telling yourself.
Enjoy it totally, because it is what is happening and each minute of it is an important minute in our short lives.
About the author
I listen loudly, ask questions softly and firmly and view my work as a coach as a pure privilege. We will have fun. You will make changes, permanent and positive change measured only by you. What Clients Say… “Gai forced me to do some hard,and at times personally challenging thinking. Now our revenue is likely to be more than double and I’m more excited about the potential than I have been since I set up the company” International Consultant,NZ