Three questions that change everything…..if you want it.

This is the view from my back yard. It is Kapiti Island off the west coast of the north island of New Zealand. These pictures were taken just a few hours apart. Every day is different. Each day I see something new from the same spot in my garden. It is invigorating and I am so grateful to live in such a wonderful place.

Not every part of my life has such obvious changes every day, but every day if I look in a certain way I see something new, inspiring and exciting.

As a coach for high achievers and leaders a challenge sometimes for them is to keep things fresh. I don’t mean fresh for their clients, teams or their markets. I mean fresh for themselves.  Have you ever had that experience of feeling like you are sleep walking through your life? You ARE very successful in your line of work. You can prove it, you have a good income, nice home, family, and all the toys you want. Is this how you want to measure your success?

Often an immediate response is that there needs to be some BIG change or that there is something ‘wrong’ with them or their lives. Well, sometimes that might be right. But most times a small change can have a profound impact. A change in thinking can be  simple and without being trite, transformational.

I came across this amazing video about story telling by Dr. Rachel Naomi Remen. The video is a lesson in itself of the power of story telling and how it is such a great teacher.

In the video she also shares a quick and powerful tool to take another look, wake up and look at what you are doing and the impact you are having.  There are 3 simple questions to ask that could change everything.

Click here to download the questions and the process now.

I invite you, in fact, challenge you to try this out and let me know what happens.

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