A 10 minute video that cuts through limitations

What do you do when suddenly your whole world changes? That world might be a project you are working on, or a situation in the workplace, or maybe personal life pursuits. And what if the change that appears is irrevocable, permanent and prevents you from pursuing your dream?

What do you do? Do you walk away from your dream? If you have walked away from your dream because of an unexpected limitation, listen up.  You have choices other than to give up.

As a professional coach I help people to identify and achieve significant and meaningful change.  Often along the way there is a curve ball. Suddenly all you can see are obstacles and limitations.

In my work as a coach I get to work with the most inspiring people.  Often their ability to inspire does not show up until they hit a brick wall as they go after those things they value and are committed to achieving.   You know how that brick wall syndrome feels don’t you?

All you see is the obstacle. The limitations. In part that is just our human brain letting us know there could be ‘danger ahead’. You have choice in how you think about these challenges and limitations.

Often we are encouraged to think outside of the box to solve problems. But how about trying think inside the box. What I mean is really embrace the limitations.  We have heard many times that great products result from ‘failures’ – for example post-it notes that resulted from a ‘failure’ with glue.  In that case 3M embraced the limitations of the failed glue recipe and  created a number of options that were not visible before the ‘failure’

Take a few minutes to watch this video where artist Phil Hansen used his very real ‘limitations’ to live his dream. A dream that he had given up on because of his limitation.

  • What dream have you given up on because of a limitation?
  • What unique outcomes can only you achieve through embracing your limitations?
  • Look deep inside the box that is your view of the world
  • See how limited can be changed into limitless in your choices.

If you are still paralyzed into no action, is it because embracing limitations gives you so many choices?  If so, just do one thing, anything and see what happens.

Use your limitations to learn to let go of outcomes, failures and perfection.

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