What if I start coaching and then want to stop?

The minimum I will work with someone is for a period covering 12 sessions. The reason there is a minimum is that it allows time for permanent and positive change to occur while being supported by a coach.

Should you not be getting what you want from the coaching process then we would need to discuss what is missing or not working in the process for you and if it seems we cannot together make changes and remedy the situation AND you are not getting value from the process then we would need to terminate the contract.

However, I can guarantee you that we would have a robust conversation about it. Often when going through a change process it can feel a bit uncomfortable until the new is the norm, so it is my job to ensure you have not just got the ‘speed wobbles’ – a jolly good empowering coaching conversation will help you move through this phase.

At the end of 12 sessions clients choose how they use coaching from there – many clients continue to work with me for a long time (1,2,3 years)because they continue to develop and grow and set even bigger goals and visions for themselves. The choice is yours and it is something we can discuss as we go along. My recommended period is 6 – 12 months as a minimum.

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